Adam Silver Finally Addressed The Chris Paul/Scott Foster Beef And Inadvertently Admitted Foster Is Biased With His Calls

Christian Petersen. Getty Images.

Death. Taxes. Scott Foster and Chris Paul hating each other's guts. Those are basically the only constants we have in life. It doesn't matter how much time passes, we have more than enough evidence to form the conclusion that there is absolutely something fishy that goes down whenever Scott Foster works a game that Chris Paul is playing in. 

This of course became a thing again when Scott Foster got all in his feelings and ejected CP3 a few weeks ago

it became very clear that at this point, the NBA needs to do itself a favor and avoid assigning Foster to any CP3 game. It shouldn't have to be that way, but it is what it is. Why even give yourself the headache? When the public perception is that Foster has it out for Paul, and then we get more and more instances of their clear beef with one another, why even put it on the table? Especially if there's already been a supposed meeting with the league about this stuff while Paul was on the Clippers. 

While all this continues to go on, one thing I don't think we've ever had is Adam Silver actually comment on it. Maybe it's happened and I missed it, but I don't think so. Seeing as he's the commissioner, I'd say his thoughts on the matter are pretty important, and that's why his comments today on Sirius NBA Radio stood out to me

Am I crazy or is this Silver essentially admitting that there is a clear personal beef between the two that is starting to carry over to the games and how each player does their job? I mean we all know that, but it's another thing for Silver to come out and admit it. That of course, is a gigantic problem. 

If Silver is conceding in that clip that there have been moments where an official lets their own personal beef impact how they officiate a game and the decisions they make, where does it end? What calls or no calls have been made that could have impacted results? If Scott Foster is this well respected and veteran official, then he shouldn't need to be told to cut the shit and do his job correctly right? 

The question then becomes, is this just a Chris Paul issue with Scott Foster or does it expand to other players/teams? Everyone is already on high alert that Foster is the NBA's fixer, especially coming off all the Tim Donaghy stuff, so to me this only brings more games/decisions by Foster under question. Adam Silver is blatantly telling us he had to tell Scott Foster to cut the shit and call the game fair and do his job. That feels like a problem. 

This is one of those situations where we can all see it, but never before have I seen the league come out and validate all the speculation fans have had over the years. And guess what? You can guarantee during a Warriors game Foster works there's going to be something that happens because this isn't even the first time the league has talked to Foster about it! Did anything change? Of course not! 

By not assigning Foster to CP3 games, maybe the league thinks that's an admission of guilt, but that's exactly what Adam Silver just did in that clip anyway. If anything, he probably made this whole thing worse with that answer.

This is all just something to keep in mind once we inevitably get to the playoffs and Foster is working a big Warriors game. What are the odds he calls that fairly? I say 0.0% at this point.

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